Pescatarian Weight Loss Diet Plan

pescatarian diet benefits

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Planning calorie intake and sticking to it is also not easy. But there are certain diets that don't focus on calorie intake. There is no calorie count requirement if you want to start your journey with a "Pescetarian diet".

On One Click Nutrition, we believe that the long-term solution to keeping off the weight is a balanced diet and maintaining a well-balanced healthy lifestyle.

Of course, this is not as easy as it sounds!

Having said that, a survey was conducted in September 2016, and the results show that in this day and age there's a lot of awareness regarding obesity but a lack of understanding of the best solutions and treatment. So, a lot of people are looking for sustainable weight loss tools but do not have proper guidance.

However, USDA proposes a daily intake of 1500 calories (depending on age, sex, and weight) if you are planning to start your weight loss journey.

What Is a Pescatarian Diet?

In Italian, "Pesce" means fish. This fish-based diet is similar to a vegetarian diet but seafood is added to it. However, a vegetarian diet excludes all kinds of animals including sea animals.

The benefit of being on a pescatarian diet is that there are a lot of high-protein snack sources because fish in itself is full of protein, also omega-3. This diet can also be called a semi-vegetarian diet because both emphasize plant-based foods but avoid red meat completely, which makes both of the exercises eco-friendly also.

So, we can say that by changing a vegetarian diet a little bit and adding seafood to it, this diet is a very well-balanced diet which makes it a healthy lifestyle if you want to follow it on a long-term basis.

Because of the presence of fish and protein – just like a Vegetarian diet – this diet is also compared with the Mediterranean diet.

Both pescetarian and Mediterranean diets focus on:

  • Protein (fish as a primary source)
  • Nutritious food (lean protein/vegetables)

The foods in this diet can help you in losing weight because they are full of:

  • Nutrients
  • High-fiber
  • Lean protein
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Low-calorie foods

As we have discussed before, the Pesceterain diet doesn't focus on calorie intake if you are planning to lose weight through this diet but make sure you are planning your meal beforehand and selecting foods that are low in sugar and are full of nutrients. This diet is amazing for people who want to minimize the intake of meat and do not want to be fully vegetarian.

Can You Lose Weight Being a Pescatarian?

In a nutshell, yes!

Is Pescatarian diet healthy?

It all comes down to your choice of food and access to low in mercury fish also, if you are actually following good healthy recipes and adding exercises in your daily routine.

The reason is, the foods that you would be eating following this diet are already well-equipped with amazing healthy, nutritious ingredients that can and should boost up your health, make you feel good internally, and keep you away from an unhealthy lifestyle.

But, look at this diet as a tool in your bag-pack that can help you a lot in your weight loss journey.

List of Pescatarian Diet to Lose Weight:

If you are a meat-eater and planning to go on a pescetarian diet, it'll be hard for you in the beginning. The best suggestion is to cut meat from your diet slowly and not all at once because it can lead to cravings and not satisfy you fully.

In order to follow this diet and get proper weight loss results, you need to plan meals that consist of:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • seafood.

If you are looking for more options for your pescatarian meal plan, you can add:

  • flavorful foods such as olives
  • Whole grains
  • spicy peppers
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • vegetable oils
  • other nutritious, filling ingredients

All Seafood Diet

If you are planning to have seafood as a meal, there are a lot of options but you need to be careful because of the presence of mercury in fish. There are a lot of meal-box services also which you can easily find online but here are a few options:

  • trout or perch
  • salmon, or tuna
  • shrimp, oyster, clams

If you are planning to have fruits and vegetables in your diet, again you can have a proper pescetarian weight loss meal plan from your dietitian or you can subscribe to meal-box services but surely when it comes to fruits and vegetables, you would want to eat all the colors as in a rainbow but there are few options:

  • leafy greens, bright
  • Peppers
  • Eggplant
  • Corn
  • Blueberries
  • Kiwi
  • Many other fruits and veggies.

Grains can be an amazing fiber source in your meal plan. Fiber is an amazing source of long-term weight loss plan and keeps the weight off for a long time. Fiber is an essential weight loss element. It is important to note that you are adding more whole grains than refined grains. Refined grains consist of white flour, degermed cornmeal, white bread, and white rice while the better options for you in the form of whole grains are:

  • Amaranth
  • Brown rice
  • Bulgur
  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  • Oatmeal
  • Sorghum
  • Quinoa
  • Whole farro
  • Whole oats
  • Whole rye
  • Whole wheat

Do Pescatarians Eat Dairy products for Lacto-Ovo:

Anyone who is adding dairy products to their meal plans is usually called Lacto-Ovo-pescetarian. There's no strict classification when it comes to dairy intake, some pescetarians like to have dairy and eggs in the diet plan while some don't

Foods to be Avoided in Going Pescatarian:

Cutting meat from your diet or transaction of food for the sake of an eco-friendly environment can help the people around you and around the globe. A lot of studies in the past had proved that the consumption of meat is very destructive for the environment and is leading the planet towards a plant-based diet.

When one decides to be a vegetarian or pescetarian, there can be a lot of reasons behind this decision but the most important to consider is the ethical reason. One can be against the slaughtering of the animals, destruction of the environment or generally against inhumane factory practices.

When starting a weight loss journey through this diet remember that pescetarian doesn't eat:

  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Turkey
  • Wild game (hunted animal)
  • Not only red-meat but also poultry

Pescatarian Diet Pros and Cons:

Pescetarian Benefits

A study discusses the guidance on fish consumption during pregnancy. Pregnant women need to check mercury levels when choosing the fish.

Also, if there are kids in your house who are on a pescetarian diet, make sure that you choose the right fish. Raw fish should be totally avoided. Here's a list of fish with a high mercury level:

  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • Mackerel
  • Marlin
  • tuna.

Low in mercury pescatarian food choices:

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Pollock
  • Flounders
  • Tilapia
  • Shrimp
  • Oysters
  • Clams
  • Scallops
  • crab

Smart tips for a Pescetarian Live Longer:

  • When planning to add fish to your meal plan  healthy choice would be to choose grilled/ boiled or steamed fish, not fried or processed fish
  • You do not need to plan and cook your food daily, there are a lot of options when it comes to pescetarian diet planning for example packaged foods and you can stock it up but make sure that you select low-sugar foods.
  • There are a lot of options these days to learn how to cook your day to day meals, you can get a pre-prepared meal plan online or contact your dietitian plan. You can watch a lot of easy to prepare meal videos on YouTube or any other social media platform.
  • You can subscribe to any meal-box delivery service but make sure that it is a trusted one.

A plant-based diet with low-level mercury seafood can help you with losing weight easily. There are a lot of pescetarian diet benefits rather than any other diet.

  • For patients with diabetes, celiac disease, or heart disease, it is very good. Before preparing your meals, make sure that you talk to your doctor.
  • It is easy to avoid gluten.
  • Many meals are rich with omega-3 fatty acids.
  • It has a lot of environmental benefits. Around 90% of the fish has been over-harvested so it is important to buy sustainable seafood.
  • It has a lot more high-protein choices so no protein deficiency, fish in itself is full of protein.


Of course, being on any kind of diet can be daunting because you need to plan everyday meals and it can be difficult when you are at a party or at a friend's gathering and you cannot decide what to eat while. It requires a lot of willpower when deciding to stick to a diet. So, it is important that you select the right pescetarian diet plan. Like any other thing in life, this diet has certain drawbacks.

  • Can be expensive: If you are used to eating a day to day meal with your family and if you live some distance from coastlines, it can get difficult for you to maintain a budget-friendly meal.
  • Mercury level: Consuming food with high mercury levels is not a good idea when it comes to health. Make sure you are selecting food with low levels of mercury
  • Sustainable seafood: It is difficult to find seafood that is sustainably caught or farmed which is against a lot of people's values when it comes to an eco-friendly environment.

Message to Take Home:

The message that we want you to take from here is that there's no one perfect way to lose weight and no one diet that can lead to a healthy lifestyle.

The ideal way of choosing any diet for yourself is to try it for one or two weeks and then see if you want to continue with it and most important is if you are feeling good internally.

There are several choices including a pescetarian diet when it comes to weight loss, you have to pick the right kind of diet for yourself.

Pescatarian Weight Loss Diet Plan


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