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  • Categories: diet, Fitness, Lifestyle
  • Tags: diet, fat loss, Fitness, gym, nutrition

I'm sure some of you might have heard of this diet before. Let's learn a little more about Dixit Diet!

So, was this Dr Jagannath Dixit's brainchild? Not exactly! This idea of ' The Dixit diet'  plan where a person eats two meals a day was originally conceived by Dr Shrikant Jichkar. And, after his death, it was propagated by Dr Jagannath Dixit.

Let's get to the What? Why? And how?

What is Dixit diet? It is mostly known as the two meal a day diet. The diet strategy is laid on the belief that an individual is truly hungry only twice a day. It goes like:

  • Identify the time of the day when you are most hungry. Set up meal timings.
  • Add natural Protein in your meal. Protein helps us to develop and improve body structure.
  • Also, you can add low glycemic index food which makes our stomach full throughout the day.
  • If we add negative calories foods which make easy to achieve weight loss goal.

How do you go about it?

Diet plan chart:

  • Eat twice in a day its 2 meal a day diet plan,
  • In between two meals,
  • Drink water,
  • Home-made buttermilk,
  • Green or black tea (without sugar),
  • Coconut water,
  • One tomato.

Is it effective?

Not really.

As per to my knowledge I wouldn't want anyone to follow this. To lose fat you need to be on a calorie deficit. By staying in a calorie deficit you have to consume adequate protein. To see the benefits of muscle protein synthesis (anabolism) one has to spread out his/her protein throughout a day (3-5servings). So You lack a major benefit here with The Dixit Diet. One cant eat so much in 2 meals. You would throw up and face bloating issues. So you're missing major benefits if your goal is to look good and fit.

Are there any restrictions?

No. There are no restrictions on the amount of food you could have at a time as the diet doesn't mention what and how much to eat. There are chances of going overboard and ending up eating more than required aka you might not be in a calorie deficit.

Is it Evidence-based?

No, there are no studies mentioned in PubMed or any credible sources supporting the study behind this diet. And, this diet has been questioned and criticised by the majority of the Doctors for lack of Evidence-based approach.

Does it work for everyone?

No. Diet adherence is the biggest issue around the acceptance or failure of any diet plan. For those who can't adhere to this pattern of eating just twice a day, including me, it becomes difficult to follow it and might add a feeling of guilt and add to dietary stress.

What are the probable side effects?

When you are not eating for a long period of time, energy levels drop, as a result, a person cannot train as effectively. Thus, performance in the gym is also affected. You might face hormone imbalance and p oor gym performance and poor nutrition will lead to muscle loss thereby poor body composition.

stay fit during ramadan

We, at GetSetGo Fitness, educate you about the flexible approach and how to include your preferences in the calorie range to suit your timings and your lifestyle.

Ultimately, it's the calorie deficit that matters and adherence to a form of eating pattern that helps in the long run!!!

Learn about eating in a deficit while keeping your macronutrients and micronutrients to an optimal level.

Find out more about setting up your diet plan here


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